This expression came up while I was talking to an American friend and she was telling me about a misunderstanding she had with a French friend of hers. So she basically told me that she told something to the guy and he totally misinterpreted her words. So I told her : “Il est perché celui-là!”
“Perché” (perched) is a term which refers to the use of drugs. It’s actually means that someone took drugs and never came down from the high a bit like Ozzy Osbourn lol.
Now this word can also mean that someone is really stoned, crazy or even sketchy.
Here are some similar terms that we use :
“Paumé” describes someone who doesn’t have any ambition or any education whatsoever aka a ”loser” or a “slacker”. But it can also mean that someone doesn’t know where they are. For example “Tu es paumé?” (Are you lost?).
“Barré”, “givré “ or ”timbré”: for example “Ce mec est complètement barré/givré/timbré” (This guy is totally crazy). It basically describes a person whose ideas or behavior are either strange or twisted.
"se barrer" (= to leave). Ex: Il s'est barré = He left.
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