This word is one of the few that is used all the time in French.
It can be considered a filler!
The first meaning of the word “la galère” is a galley (on a ship). It’s not a very common word in English, I know!
In French the word evokes a rather vivid image. We can picture some sailors or slaves rowing with difficulty in the lower level (the hold) of a ship. The air down there is really muggy, unhealthy and people are really struggling to make the ship move.
So In French when you say “c’est la galère”, it means that you are either in big trouble or having a hard time doing something.
You can also use the verb such as “Je galère pour trouver cet endroit “ (I am having a hard time finding the place).
You can also say “ce mec il est galère!” (this dude is trouble!)
Nowadays there is a new slang connotation to this word that is to be bored as hell, but you have to bear in mind that this expression might not be common all over France.
For instance: « Qu’est-ce que tu fais? Ben moi je galère ! » (What are you doing/ what are you up to ? I am hanging around).