Just like you English people out there, we French people have some acronyms.We use “lol” like you guys but we also have our own, which is “mdr” (mort de rire).When young people talk to each other, they use it sometimes, for instance:
Person A: l’autre soir je suis sorti j’ai vu Madonna ! (the other night I went out and I saw Madonna)
Person B : oui, c’est ça ! MDR. (Yeah right ! LOL)
You guys also use a French acronym, possibly without being aware of it: RSVP (= répondez s’il vous plaît).We also use our own acronyms that don’t necessarily have an equivalent in English.I’m going to give you a list of some of the ones that we use:
RAS: rien à signaler (nothing worth mentioning)
A : Quoi de neuf ? (What's up?)
HS: hors service (out of order)
A: Aujourd’hui je suis complètement HS! (today I am totally exhausted!)
QG: quartier general (headquarters)
A: On se retrouve où déjà ce soir? (Where are we meeting again tonight?)
B : Ben, à notre QG habituel ! (Well, at our usual place!)
BG: beau gosse (handsome guy)
BCBG: bon chic bon genre ("good style, good class"-- it is used to describe an upper-middle-class lifestyle reflected especially in expensive but conservative clothes)
ils ont une clientèle plutôt BCBG (they have a largely upper-middle-class clientele)
VDM: vie de merde (FML: F#*@!? My Life)
Now a bit vulgar:
DTC: dans ton c** (in your a**)
CTB: comme ta b** (like your d***)
I am sure there are others out there that we use daily, but I can’t think of any right now off the top of my head. I will add some more to the blog when I come across them.I am giving you a link where you can find a pretty well-rounded list of abbreviations that we use.